SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1991 |
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While wheeling south on Chestnut Avenue Saturday in the Fresno to Bakersfield Rollerskate Race, roller skaters watch a barking dog that emerged and briefly gave chase while guarding the farm. Sandy Snakenberg of San Diego won the 138 mile race in 9 hours, 21 minutes. The event was sponsored by the Outdoor 8ollerskating Association of America, was called the longest race in the sports history. Story on Page $1. |
Skaters roll
through Valley in 138-mile race to Bakersfield By Lori A. Carter - The Fresno Bee Billed as a sport "coming of age, " outdoor roller-skating wheeled its way through much of the San Joaquin Valley Saturday. San Diego resident Sandy Snakenberg won the Outdoor Rollerskating Association of America's "Bauer Point to Point" race from Fresno to Bakersfield. His winning time was 9 hours, 22 minutes. The 138-mile race was the longest skate race ever held in the United States, said ORAA president David .G. Miles. Anna Stubbs of San Francisco won the women's portion in 10 hours and 56 minutes. Fifteen-year-old competitor Anthony Mazzei crossed the finish line after 11 hours and 4 minutes. And just to make sure the "veterans" knew he was on the scene, he burst into jumping jacks and push-ups. Despite drinking water and eating bananas, strawberries and power bars along the way, a few racers suffered dehydration and heat prostration after the race, Miles said, "These people would really like to do it again, bloody feet and all," he said. Although the Valley might seem flat while driving from Fresno to Bakersfield, roller skaters experienced it from a different perspective. "I didn't expect there to be as many hills as there are;" Miles said. "As we were going up hills, it really started to make people sweat". Miles said that in one downhill stretch, skaters reached speeds of 35 mph. But going uphill, the pace slowed to a grueling 5 mph. "I am really surprised that as many people made it that did. 1 expected about eight, especially with the temperature up." |